Monthly assessment for Andrology, Embryology and Ultrasound |
Individual Quality Performance |
Clinic wide supervision for performance review, accreditation and competency |
Multiple laboratories under the one quality supervisor |
One annual subscription |
Includes recent publications and news items |
Weekly news distribution delivered to all registered staff |
Selected topical news and commentaries |
Focused mail groups |
Searchable |
Selected links tagged for registered users for reference and CPD minutes |
Provides a variety of tools for education and ongoing professional development |
Programmed leaning modules, reviews, commentaries, Q&A, crosswords |
Users enroll and on completion of each activity, accrue CPD minutes that can be submitted to professional bodies for consideration of CPD points |
Aims to develop topic ranging from the basic subjects for new IVF Staff to topical subjects IVF Staff need to know. |
Coordinated with IVFDaily |
After Fertaid registration, totally anonymous separate logon and password to IVFBenchmark |
Allows individual clinics to select from preset KPI or develop unique KPI tools |
Allows monthly data submissions over all KPI |
Allow automatic or pre-set KPI reference ranges |
Allows KPI data to be reviewed against selected WestGard rules for continuity or deviation - both warning and action levels |
Allows modest KPI to KPI comparisons |