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2.2.11 - Embryo Score
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What is the embryo score for this blastocyst - [Question # QHEBlSc1]
Option #1
The calculated score for this embryo is
What does my embryo score mean and why is it different when my options are similar to others
The embryo score is a calculated value that is designed to imply embryo quality. The higher the score, the better you grade the embryo. Most grading systems use a number of criteria each with a number of options to compile a grading scheme (eg 4AA or 3BB). Each option of each criteria is given a value by FertAid related to quality (eg a good ICM has a higher value than a poorly developed ICM) and a weight to enhance the value such that the best embryo score should be 100. When you submit each option, Fertaid complies the net value for each questions and then sums them to get the final embryo score. Clearly if you do not submit a reply to each question, then Fertaid is unable to compile a score!. // So after you have asked Fertaid to calculate an embryo score based upon your chosen options, you can then get a sense of whether you have graded the embryo better, similar or poorer than other participants in the EQA scheme. However where you sit in the distribution of replies will depend on the range of other replies. You may well have chosen option in general agreement with others but some participants have marked the embryo down then the distribution may appear slightly screwed making the mean and SD changed. Even though FertAid used a trimmed mean to try to minimise a screwed distribution, it may still have the effect of altering where you sit in the distribution.// Fertaid would like to make the comment that this is what happens in real life in an IVF laboratory. If you sit within 1 SD of the mean then it may suggest your assessment is broadly similar to others or the embryo is largely universally scored the same by all. IF you assessment is more or less than 1 SD from the mean, then it suggest you have graded the embryo better or poorer than others and/or that the quality of the embryo is such that embryologists will vary on how it is graded.// Lastly, the Mean and SD is modified as more submissions are made and you may well find that over time, your position in the distribution may also drift.
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