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  • Features: FertAids Structure ..................................................
The QAP structure is based upon a series of QAP schemes eg Motility or Embryo Fragmentation. Each year there is a specific SCHEME with the properties of the series (eg the same key questions). Each Scheme has a list of monthly installments that contain a link to scheme specific images and a few questions. Each question appears in each monthly INSTALLMENT and relates to the schemes subject. One Question called a QAP question is the central theme for the scheme (eg % motility).
QAP Question
The key question called the QAP question is used for all Quality Assessment. Other questions may be used to calculate the QAP question or are just to provide an opportunity to survey other aspects of the scheme (eg describe the ICM).

Other questions
In addition to the question that forms the basis for the EQA scheme e.g. what if the % normal spermatozoa,other questions are asked that the participant may elect to answer. Some are largely educational while others are extensions of the EQA scheme eg % what is the % of spermatozoa with C-grade motility. These questions do not contribute to the EQA summaries but are available to both the participant and the EQA supervisor for review and in many ways are of equal importance.

Calculated questions
You may have asked yourself how can QAPonline apply a numerical grading system for tasks such as embryo grading where all the criteria are qualitative. QAPonline`s approach is to allocate values to each of the options available to chose from and the manipulate or weight the values such the sum of the all criteria is in most cases 100. While not strictly a continuous variable, the calculated do form a normal distribution and calculations may be applied against them. The value also resembles an estimate of quality since the larger the value, the better the embryo. One needs to answer all the criteria to be able to calculate the final value.

Copyright 2010 FertAid Pty Ltd - This page has been viewed 6873 times. It was last updated on 6/01/2011
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