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  • Questions: Installment Menu ..................................................
Most pages that are associated with answering an EQA question can be access from the Orange Sub menu above the list of installments.
Installment Menu
The installment menu contains a mixture of options. These are (1)the list of installments or releases (2)the number of question in the scheme allocated to the Audit Program (3)performance display showing your answers compared to other replies (4) a timeline display over the last 24 replies indicating trends and poor responses (5) an estimate of bias over the mean values for the last 24 replies (6) List of questions to which you have submitted an answer (6)series report - you performance in all current and previous schemes in the same EQA series (7) Refresh button to recalculate an estimate of your performance (8) a chat option to discuss aspects of the schemes topic eg about blastocysts [This is under development]. (9)A list of scheme information an options.

Copyright 2010 FertAid Pty Ltd - This page has been viewed 2286 times. It was last updated on 18/12/2010
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