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What the icons mean?
The coloured icons are meant to quickly identify to you whether your performance is satisfactory. Remember that using the SD from the mean model, 66% of all replies with be within 1 SD of the mean [33% below and 33% above the mean].15% will be below and 15% above the 1-2 SD bracket from the mean. By chance, 5% of replies will be outside this distribution. So an occasionally yellow or red icon will occur but when more than one third are outside the 1SD range then you should review your performance.

Further interpretation of the icons.
Remember also that the comparison are made against all other professional participants. The real comparisons should be either against your other staff members of your QAP group or where present, PEER level participants. Your QAP supervisor should review each performance and make a comment. QAPonline analysis is meant to provide a guide only on individual performance.

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