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  • EQA Reports: Review Individual Installment ..................................................
Selecting any month will display how the months EQA data is compiled.
Drill down into an Individual Months Performance
There are several key features to this image. The first is that as the QAP supervisor, you can view the makeup of a months EQA results. Secondly, you can review the performance of each staff member. Thirdly, you can vary the group against which you may like to compare their performance. Fourthly, you can use the UP and Down Blue Arrows to navigate between each month. Lastly you can make a comment by Selecting MODIFY SUPERVISORS COMMENTS. There is a seperate menu on the left panel to assist you with further data drilling activities.

Individual staff contribution to the months EQA result
Notice that all staff are portrayed including those that are not professionally enrolled ]# 01 and # 86]. So even though there are 9 replies displayed, only 7 were used to calculate the Mean and %CV. There were also 2 members that had been flagged as PEER participants in this scheme [#52 and # 47].

Copyright 2010 FertAid Pty Ltd - This page has been viewed 2223 times. It was last updated on 21/12/2010
FertAid Pty Ltd © 2002 All rights reserved.