Open QAPonline Open IVFDaily Open IVFCPD Open IVFBenchmark Open IVFLabOnline
During 2023, Fertaid and IVFCPD will be merged.
Summary of Subscriptions
Schemes Contained within Selected Subscription
  Code Scheme  
More Information? HAB2024 Human Sperm Motility - 2024  
More Information? HAC2024 Sperm Morphology - WHO 5th Edition 2024  
More Information? HAD2024 Sperm Concentration - haemocytometer-2024  
More Information? HAE2024 Sperm Concentration - Makler Chamber-2024  
More Information? HAG2024 Immunobead Assessment of Antisperm Antibodies-2024  
More Information? HAL2024 Halosperm DNA EQA 2024  
More Information? HAV2024 Sperm Vitality 2024  
More Information? HAZ2024 Teratozoospermia Index TZI 2024  
More Information? HEB2024 Pronuclear Assessment-2018  
More Information? HEC2024 Embryo Fragmentation-2024  
More Information? HEF2024 Blastocyst QAP - 2024  
More Information? HER2024 Oocyte/Cleavage/Blastocyst Ranking -2024  
More Information? HES2024 Evaluation of Cleavage by time lapse Imagery 2024  
More Information? HET2024 Embryo Video Ranking 2024  
More Information? HET2024 Embryo Video Ranking 2024  
More Information? USE2024 Endometrial Thickness-2024  
More Information? USF2024 Follicle Diameter-2024  
More Information? HEOva2024 Human Oocytes 2024  
More Information? HEE2024 Early Human Embryology QAP-2024  
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