DISCPLINES: Embryology Andrology Ultrasound Endocrinology
Information on QA Scheme: Embryo Fragmentation-2025
Comment = This QA scheme was created to allow embyologists to quality manage their ability to estimate embryo fragmentation. While new culture conditions have decreased the incidence of fragmentation, its description and quantification remain a critical parameter in the description of embryos and in the selection of embryos for transfer or cryopreservation. The QA scheme is designed to allow clinics and individuals the tools to assess, educate and standardise the % fragmentation.
Number of enrollments =6 [* This indicates only the number of enrollments. Not all participants will have completed the scheme]
List of QA Issues (or Instalments)
Code Title Available from
HEC2025.01 % Fragmentation 1/1/2025
HEC2025.02 % Fragmentation 1/2/2025
HEC2025.03 % Fragmentation 1/3/2025
HEC2025.04 % Fragmentation 1/4/2025
HEC2025.05 % fragmentation 1/5/2025
HEC2025.06 % Fragmentation 1/6/2025
HEC2025.07 % Fragmentation 1/7/2025
HEC2025.08 % Fragmentation. 1/8/2025
HEC2025.09 % Fragmentation 1/9/2025
HEC2025.10 % Fragmentation 1/10/2025
HEC2025.11 % Fragmentation 1/11/2025
HEC2025.12 % Fragmentation 1/12/2025
List of Questions asked for QA Scheme:Embryo Fragmentation-2025
ID Question Question Format
468 How do you assess embryo fragmentation? Defined Options
505 If this embryo was one of several to be frozen or discarded, what would you decide? Defined Options
188 What is the % fragmentation in this embryo. Numeric Outcome
205 What is the pattern of fragmentation Defined Options
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