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DISCPLINES: Embryology Andrology Ultrasound Endocrinology
Information on QA Scheme: Immunobead Assessment of Antisperm Antibodies-2017
Comment = A scheme to review assessment of Immunobead binding. Monthly video images of immunobead and sperm suspensions. Participants are asked to estimate the % of sperm with bound immunobeads. This is a draft scheme to assess the suitability for using videos for QA. The scheme seeks to explore the capability of the participant to assess and interpret a series of serum samples using the indirect immunobead procedure for the detection of antisperm antibodies. The series of serum samples were incubated with 50 million motile sperm/ml for one hour and washed twice before coincubation with immunobeads on a Makler chamber or a microscope slide for 1-3 minutes. The vidoes image is moved every 5 seconds to pan across the slide. Various immunobead concentrations and sperm samples were used to test interpretation skills. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Number of enrollments =213 [* This indicates only the number of enrollments. Not all participants will have completed the scheme]
List of QA Issues (or Instalments)
Code Title Available from
HAG2017.01 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/1/2017
HAG2017.02 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/2/2017
HAG2017.03 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/3/2017
HAG2017.04 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/4/2017
HAG2017.05 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/5/2017
HAG2017.06 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/6/2017
HAG2017.07 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/7/2017
HAG2017.08 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/8/2017
HAG2017.09 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/9/2017
HAG2017.10 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/10/2017
HAG2017.11 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/11/2017
HAG2017.12 Sperm Immunobead Binding 1/12/2017
List of Questions asked for QA Scheme:Immunobead Assessment of Antisperm Antibodies-2017
ID Question Question Format
225 How would assess the quality of this image? Defined Options
224 How would you report the ASAB status of this sample. Defined Options
204 What is the % of sperm with significant immunobead binding. Numeric Outcome
Detailed Information on Question: How would you report the ASAB status of this sample.
Status This is not a key question for the Scheme    
Type Defined Options
Order Question Options
1 Clinically significant
2 Binding present but clinically not significant
3 No immunobead binding- No ASAB present.
4 Unable to report on this sample.
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