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DISCPLINES: Embryology Andrology Ultrasound Endocrinology
Information on QA Scheme: Human Oocytes 2017
Comment = Assessment and selection of human oocytes. From 2013, Oocyte ranking has been moved to HEF-Ranking EQA.
Number of enrollments =55 [* This indicates only the number of enrollments. Not all participants will have completed the scheme]
List of QA Issues (or Instalments)
Code Title Available from
HOV2017.01 Assessment of human ova 1/1/2017
HOV2017.02 Assessment of Human Ova 1/2/2017
HOV2017.03 Assessment of Human Ova 1/3/2017
HOV2017.04 Assessment of Human Ova 1/4/2017
HOV2017.05 Assessment of Human Ova 1/5/2017
HOV2017.06 Assessment of Human Ova 1/6/2017
HOV2017.07 Assessment of Human Ova 1/7/2017
HOV2017.08 Assessment of Human Ova 1/8/2017
HOV2017.09 Assessment of Human Ova 1/9/2017
HOV2017.10 Assessment of Human Ova 1/10/2017
HOV2017.11 Assessment of Human Ova 1/11/2017
HOV2017.12 Assessment of Human Ova 1/12/2017
List of Questions asked for QA Scheme:Human Oocytes 2017
ID Question Question Format
476 Briefly describe this oocyte (eg to Doctor or patient) Educational Outcome
472 How would you descibe the zona Pellucida? Defined Options
473 How would you describe the cytoplasm? Defined Options
470 How would you describe the development status of the oocyte Defined Options
471 How would you describe the polar body? Defined Options
474 How would you describe the size of the oocyte? Defined Options
475 The oocyte score for this oocyte is: Calculation Outcome
479 Which oocyte would you inject first Defined Options
478 Would you freeze this oocyte [assuming there were adequate number of oocytes available]? Defined Options
477 Would you recommend this oocyte be injected [assuming there were adequate number of oocytes available]? Defined Options
Detailed Information on Question: Would you recommend this oocyte be injected [assuming there were adequate number of oocytes available]?
Status This is not a key question for the Scheme    
Type Defined Options
Order Question Options
1 Yes
2 No
3 Only if it was the only oocyte available
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