DISCPLINES: Embryology Andrology Ultrasound Endocrinology
Information on QA Scheme: Blastocyst QAP - 2025
Comment = Images of day 5 human embryos for QAP purposes. The images are all animated gif files of multiple embryo images. The primary question used for quality assessments, the QAP question has been modified from 2003 with the introduction of a calculated embryo scrore parameter [ESP]. This allows for the assessment to be based upon the common criteria embryologists used in their daily embryo grading. The sum of each parameter leads to a calculated value that is submitted for assessment and comparison. The multiple images (3-4 animated images) is used to assess comparative judgements for both transfer and for freezing. A text based summary has been included allowing participants to review how others describe and guage embryos. While the replies to all questions can be probed from conformity, the QAP question forms the basis for internal quality control and for external comparison for both each staff member and for the clinic overall. A new question has been added to explore one capacity to identify the inner cell mass.
Number of enrollments =72 [* This indicates only the number of enrollments. Not all participants will have completed the scheme]
List of QA Issues (or Instalments)
Code Title Available from
HEF2025.01 Single Human Embryo 1/1/2025
HEF2025.02 Late day 6 Blastocyst 1/2/2025
HEF2025.03 Single Human Embryo - A 1/3/2025
HEF2025.04 Single Human Embryo 1/4/2025
HEF2025.05 Single Human Embryo 96 hr 1/5/2025
HEF2025.06 Single Human Embryo 1/6/2025
HEF2025.07 Single Human Embryo #A 1/7/2025
HEF2025.08 Single Human Embryo 1/8/2025
HEF2025.09 Single Human Embryo 1/9/2025
HEF2025.10 Single Human Embryo 1/10/2025
HEF2025.11 Single Human Embryo 1/11/2025
HEF2025.12 Single Human Embryo 1/12/2025
List of Questions asked for QA Scheme:Blastocyst QAP - 2025
ID Question Question Format
11 Describe the appearance of the inner cell mass Defined Options
12 Describe the appearance of the trophectoderm Defined Options
202 How would you describe this embryo AND GRADE BY YOUR OWN CLINICS GRADING PROCESS? Educational Outcome
393 Identify the location of the inner cell mass. Defined Options
28 Is the rate of cleavage normal? Defined Options
589 This is a QA question. Would you consider the list of questions asked to assess a blastocyst sufficient? If not what further questions would you like to see asked and included in the formulation? Educational Outcome
210 What is the embryo score for this blastocyst Calculation Outcome
13 What stage of blastocyst formation is evident from the image? Defined Options
Detailed Information on Question: How would you describe this embryo AND GRADE BY YOUR OWN CLINICS GRADING PROCESS?
Status This is not a key question for the Scheme    
Type Educational Outcome
Order Question Options
1 The embryo is:
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